1 minute read.
With our 200th episode airing today, I thought it would be fun to go back and check out some of our statistics.
- Longest Episode - At 2h40m was Episode 5 - Compromises, Challenge Design, and 0days
- Most Topics in one episode was Episode 18 - Election hacking, Kernel Security, MDS Attacks and Github's Security Lab with 22 topics in 2h32m.
- Shortest Episode - At just 22 minutes was Episode 137 - Taking Over an Internal AWS Service and an Interesting XSS Vector
- Least Topics in one episode was Episode 126 - Dirty Pipe and Analyzing Memory Tagging with 3 topics, but still 47 minutes.
- Shortest Vulnerability Topic - We covered A Project Zero Bug "Windows Containers: ContainerUser has Elevated Privileges" in just 1 minute 23 seconds on Episode 68
- Longest Vulnerability Topic - It took us 33 minutes to cover the [Micro-Architectural Data Sampling Attacks] on Episode 10
- Longest Topic - Outside of vulnerabilities, we had a few longer discussions on the podcast that were not vulnerability focused:
- 45 minute discussion with Bastian Gruber about Rust on Episode 99
- 42 minute discussion about the North Korean campaign against security researchers on Episode 62
- 36 minute discussioon about getting into vulnerability research on Episode 140
I also checked out the statistics on the vulnerabilities we've covered, in 200 episodes, we have covered 1124 vulnerability disclosures, written 459 vulnerability summaries. Of those summarized vulnerabilities, Of those summarized vulnerabilities, 47% are web and 37% binary.
Looking into the sources we've covered topics from, and we've covered topics from more than 752 domains, with 195 of them appears on two or more episodes. The heavy hitter list is not too surprising:
- HackerIne.com - 71 Episodes, 115 topics
- ZeroDayInitiative.com - 51 episodes, 56 topics
- arXiv.org - 44 episodes, 89 topics.
- GoogleProjectZero.blogspot.com - 41 episodes, 48 topics
- bugs.chromium.org - 35 episodes, 44 topics
- Github.blog - 30 episodes, 37 topics (this includes posts that were on the GHSL blog)
- research.nccgroup.com - 28 episodes, 30 topics
- Portswigger.net - 21 episodes, 22 topics
- TalosIntelligence.com - 18 episodes, 22 topics
- seclists.org - 16 episodes, 18 topics
While all of these are corporations that put out a lot of content I also want to give a shoutout the top individual publishers:
- Youssef Sammouda - 8 episodes, 10 topics
- David Schutz - 7 episodes, 7 topics
- A tie between Julien Cretel, Alex Popov, and Maxwell Dulin each having 4 topics covered across 4 episodes.