14 October 2019 Show Notes 13 - When your errors have errors... 00:03:00 Critical Security Issue identified in iTerm2 as part of Mozilla Open Source Audit Additional Links: https://github.com/gnachman/iTerm2/commit/538d570ea54614d3a2b5724f820953d717fbeb0c 00:11:02 Windows Error Reporting Manager arbitrary file move Elevation of Privilege (CVE-2019-1315) Additional Links: https://infocon.org/cons/SyScan/SyScan%202015%20Singapore/SyScan%202015%20Singapore%20presentations/SyScan15%20James%20Forshaw%20-%20A%20Link%20to%20the%20Past.pdf 00:16:01 CVE-2019-8697: MacOS System Escalation via Disk Management 00:20:02 Apple Zero Day Exploited in Bitpaymer Campaign 00:25:05 BrokenStrokes: On the (in)Security of Wireless Keyboards 00:31:05 PS2 Yabasic Exploit Additional Links: http://cturt.github.io/ps2-yabasic.html 00:40:01 Imperva Breach Report 00:49:02 EU-coordinated risk assessment of 5G network security 00:55:01 Measuring Attack Surface Reduction in the Presence of Code (Re-)Randomization 01:04:04 Finding Security Threats That Matter: An Industrial Case Study 01:16:04 An Extended Survey on Vehicle Security 01:21:05 Zydis 3.0 Released (x86-64 disassembler library) 01:25:05 IDA 7.4 01:28:03 Government interference in Australia's premier cybersecurity conference is a worry 01:33:01 uBlock dev build rejected 01:39:01 Ken Thompson's Unix Password 01:44:00 Humble Bundle - Linux and Unix O'Reilly Books