07 May 2019 Show Notes 8 - Another CSG0-day, Ransomware? and a 36 year old vuln 00:00:03 r/GlobalOffensive - PSA: Security issue regarding lobbies and games 00:11:03 Vita Exploit 00:20:00 Indie Game Removed From Switch eShop 00:34:04 Eight Devices, One Exploit 00:47:03 Remote Code Execution on most Dell computers 00:56:03 All Firefox extensions disabled due to expiration of intermediate signing cert 01:15:01 A hacker is wiping Git repositories and asking for a ransom | ZDNet 01:38:02 Typer vs. CAPTCHA: Private information based CAPTCHA to defend against crowdsourcing human cheating 01:50:05 36 Year old Kernel stack disclosure bug in UFS/FFS 02:00:05 You Only Propagate Once: Painless Adversarial Training 02:05:05 The Risks of WebGL: Analysis, Evaluation and Detection 02:18:05 InternalBlue: Bluetooth Binary Patching and Experimentation Framework 02:27:03 IRONHIDE: A Secure Multicore Architecture that Leverages Hardware Isolation Against Microarchitecture State Attacks Additional Links: https://github.com/TheOfficialFloW/h-encore/blob/master/WRITE-UP.md https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4_nI9ok7iQg