A lot of discussion this week about OSS security and security processes, an iOS kernel type confusion and MediaTek Bootloader bypass impacting everything since atleast 2014.
Starting with a long discussion about the North Korean hackers targeting security reseachers, and some thoughts (rants) about the newly released Windows exploit dev course from Offensive Security before getting into some real exploits including NAT Slipstreaming 2.0 and a new Sudo vuln.
This week is a shorter episode, but still some solid bugs to look at. From a full chain Chrome exploit, to a Kindle chain from remote to root and a eBPF incorrect calculation leading to OOB read/write.
Big news this week as several government agencies and contractors may have been compromised. We also have a number of great writeups this week covering everything from a PS4 webkit exploit, MacOS, and Windows.
Some solid exploit development talk in this episode as we look at an iOS vuln, discuss the exploitability of a cURL buffer overflow and examine a new kernel UAF mitigation.
This week we talk a bit about some Black Friday deals before jumping into another SD-WAN pwn, some jailbreaks, and research into automatic exploit generation.
This week we are joined by CTS to discuss fuzzing. We also take at PEN-300/OSEP. Before jumping into this weeks exploits, from NAT Slipstreaming to a Metasploit command injection and plenty in between.