Discussion this week around Chrome's Sanitizer API, and bypassing firewalls with webhooks and 0days (ModSecurity bypass), and a pre-auth BitBucket RCE.
Some silly issues in radare2, some printer hacking, some kernel vulnerabilities, and a look at exploiting Fuchsia OS on this weeks episode. Just as a reminder this will be our last episode until September.
Last bounty episode before our summer vacation, and we are ending off with some cool issues. XML Stanza smuggling in Zoom for a MitM attack, an odd auth bypass, a Gitlab Stored XSS and gadget based CSP bypass, and an interesting technique to leverage a path traversal/desync against NGINX Plus
Just a couple vulnerabilities to talk about this week, but some interesting things to talk about in them. We also have some discussion about this year's pwn2own results and a couple things that caught out attention.
Kicking off the week with some discussion about DOJ's policy change before getting into some vulnerabilities: "powerdir" a macOS TCC bypass, an integer overflow on the web, and another attack against HelloSign and their Google Drive integration
We have a couple normally low-impact bugs in Solana rBPF this week netting a $200k bounty, a Python 2.7+ Use-After-Free and a PS4 and PS5 remote kernel heap overflow along with some discussion about exploitability and usability for a jailbreak.
A lot of cool little bugs this week with some solid impact, Facebook and Priceline account takeovers, F5 iControl Authentication Bypass, and a couple other logic bugs.
Just a few vulnerabilities this week, but we have some codeql discussion as its used to find several vulnerabilities in Accel-PPP VPN server, and a look at a bug submitted to Pwn2Own 2021.
Some interesting vulnerabilities this week from a Cloudflare Pages container escape chain, to hacking a bank's web application with some neat tricks to get abuse a file-write in a hardened envrionment, and even another dumb smart-contract bug.
Some straight forward bugs this week with some interesting discussion around cryptographic protocols (VMWare Workspace), XSS in the Web3 world, and whether container escapes into a low-privileged VM matter. Along with a couple just note-worthy test-cases to keep in mind while bug hunting.