Vulnerabilities tagged "web"

[Sony] SQL Injection Through User-Agent Header

The fundamental issue is as basic as it gets, one of the first attacks many budding hackers learn is `' or 1=1` in a login page.Well this was a SQLi in the username of a login form, taken a little further by enabling `xp_cmdshell` and gaining code execution...

IDOR + Account Takeover leads to PII leakage

The first issue was that the endpoint for changing a user's password took as an argument a user id which was not validated against the currently logged in user allowing any user to change the password to any other account providing they knew the users unique id. These ID values were thankfully not easily guessed.

Editing a User to Add Sensitive Scopes to a JWT

Had a JWT, and noticed functionality to invite a user to a group and then change their privileges, these privileges were reflected in the JWT scopes.Though modification of this edit user request additional scopes that were not displayed could be added, such as the `company:operations` and `company:support` scopes...