Microsoft Azure Account Takeover via DOM-based XSS in Cosmos DB Explorer

We discussed this vulnerability during Episode 191 on 27 February 2023

Couple vulnerabilities here, the first bad regex allowing for the origin validation on cross-origin messages to be bypass. The second is a pair of innerHTML assignments with data from a cross-origin message.

The first issue was in one of the several regex patterns used to validate the origin of a cross-origin message. The vulnerable regex pattern was: ^$. If you’ve followed our weekly spot the vulns you might recognize this bug pattern. The unescaped . characters in regex will match any character, not just the literal . character. An attacker could register one of many domains and be able to bypass the filter.

With the ability to send cross-origin messages that would pass the validation, cross-site scripting was fairly easy. A chart would be insecurely generated based on the data of the message, and the CORS header allowed for inline scripts.

chartTitleElement.innerHTML = data.chartSettings.chartTitle;
/* ... */
noDataMessageContent.innerHTML = data.errorMessage;
/* ... */