Vulnerabilities tagged "auth-bypass"

Attacking Android Antivirus Applications

A fairly classic mobile issue, the McAfee Security: Antivirus VPN is a highly privileged app and it exports a fairly generic `MainActivity`.The `MainActivity` is rather dynamic in terms of what type content it'll load, basically acting as a wrapper to load whatever the real intent was...

XNU: NFSSVC root check bypass; use after free due to insufficient locking in upcall worker threads

This was a fun authorization check bypass because when checking if higher privileges were needed the `flag` value was checked for equality with the two privileged actions.Later on however, when deciding what handler to use to handle to request, it used a bitwise operation to check if the specific bit is set...

Megafeis-palm: Exploiting Vulnerabilities to Open Bluetooth SmartLocks

A long, fairly beginner friendly post about attacking a Bluetooth lock, there is a lot of process information here as it was an intern's research project. What the vulnerability comes down to though is a lack of any real authoization checking instead only validating the integrity (poorly!) of the request and trusting the app did all the heavy lifting.