Vulnerabilities tagged "cool-vuln"

XNU: NFSSVC root check bypass; use after free due to insufficient locking in upcall worker threads

This was a fun authorization check bypass because when checking if higher privileges were needed the `flag` value was checked for equality with the two privileged actions.Later on however, when deciding what handler to use to handle to request, it used a bitwise operation to check if the specific bit is set...

SSRF Cross Protocol Redirect Bypass

When using the `ssrfFilter` library in conjunction with the Request library in JavaScript there is a bug that can result in the SSRF filter being disabled.The way the anti-SSRF library, `ssrfFilter` works is that is creates its own object that cna be used in=place of Node's default request agent for http/http requests...

Exploiting a CRLF Injection in the `Location` header

A nice use of the a CRLF Injection to exploit a seemingly unexploitable injection because the browser wouldn't render the page when a `Location` header was present.Basically just used the CRLF injection ot inject a `Connection: Location` header, telling the proxy to treat the `Location` header as a hop-by-hop header and drop it before passing it on to the end-user...