Just four bugs this week, but that all are somewhat interesting, from an Instagram 2FA removal, deanonymizing Slack users, a MySQL bug, and how to get cheap reddit coins.
Tianfu Cup happened this week, we also got some cool windows and webkit issues, along side an improvment to the House of IO attack
Just a handful of traditional vulns this week: IDOR, CSRF, SQLi, a logic vuln and zi's boomer side starts to show.
Uninitialized variables everywhere in Hyperkit, and a Open5GS stack-based buffer overflow.
A simple to exploit path traversal in Apache...in 2021, a one-time-password defeat by having it be send to the attacker and victim, and more JWT issues.
This week we start off with a nice introduction to signedness issues before diving into a couple Chrome bugs (type confusion and use-after-free)
A few interesting issues this week, ranging from a macOS Gatekeeper bypass, some oauth flow issues in Facebook, and even an RCE through the password field.
This week we we've got a couple Linux kernel Use-After-Frees and a Parallels guest to host escape.
Some of Apple's XPC services are leaking information, Finder has an RCE, and some CodeQL use to find many RCEs in Apache Dubbo.
We start off the week with a crazy driver that exposes some powerful primitives, a use-after-free in curl, we speculate a bit about exploiting a 2-byte information disclosure, and talk about FORCEDENTRY.