Vulnerabilities tagged "rce"

Integer Truncation in Java's XML Signature Verification

The root of the issue is that XSLTC (turns XSLT into a Java Class to be executed for better performance) does not account for that fact that the `constant_pool_count` in a Java class is only 16bits. An attacker can create an XSLT document containing too many constants, all of which will be written to the class file, but the count will be truncated to 16bits, leading to some of those constants being interpreted as part of the classfile containing things like field and method descriptions for the class.

SSRF and RCE in Apache Batlik due to Improper Parsing of `jar:` URI

A somewhat simple security control bypass in Apache Batik's `DefaultScriptSecurity` and `DefaultExternalResourceSecurity` controls.Where Batik has to be able to load SVG files (and associated resources) from either a local or remote source, it makes for an interesting attack for SSRF and/or RCE...

Analysis of a Remote Code Execution (RCE) Vulnerability in Cobalt Strike 4.7.1

So Java's Swing UI Toolkit in some cases will try to parse any strings that start with a `<` as HTML, and dangerously so as its handling of `` tags will attempt to initialize a class with the name from the `classid` attribute (must inherit from `java.awt.Component`), and it will attempt to set any `` tags through their setter functions.

[Dompdf] RCE via Polyglot phar/ttf File

This vulnerability builds on/is complicated by two past issues.The first being an RCE via caching of remote font files, we discussed this vulnerability on [Episode 129](