Vulnerabilities tagged "web"

The curl quirk that exposed Burp Suite and Google Chrome

When using curl, if the `--data-raw` argument starts with a `@` it will be treated as a filename and the file itself will be included as the data of the request. This sort of bug would be hard to exploit in the context of Burp and Chrome, requiring a victim to "Copy as cURL" a malicious request in the first place, and then run it...

SSRF Cross Protocol Redirect Bypass

When using the `ssrfFilter` library in conjunction with the Request library in JavaScript there is a bug that can result in the SSRF filter being disabled.The way the anti-SSRF library, `ssrfFilter` works is that is creates its own object that cna be used in=place of Node's default request agent for http/http requests...

HubSpot Full Account Takeover in Bug Bounty

A lot of wrong turns, eventually leading to some parameter brute forcing and the discovery of an `href` param when submitting a Forgot Password request.The `href` value would be used to craft the forgot password link with the actual token appended to it that is reflected in the Forgot Password email...