A discussion heavy episode this week as we speculate about how some XNU code passed muster, and how to exploit a small overflow and weaponizing a large info-leak.
A "maybe" issue this week in Ruby's net/http library, some long chains leading to XSS, and a look at abusing parameter injection for SSRF in applications integrating with the Google Drive API.
Binary ninja 3.0 just dropped, lets talk about that, then into pwnkit and a couple kernel bugs, and ending this week off with a discussion about dealing with imposter syndrome.
A new security-related humble bundle, MFA bypass in Box, and a a few older style vulnerabilities: lfi2rce, allow-list bypass with an @ sign, and insecure random number seeds.
Short episode this week, stack smashing, integer overflowing and a more logical issue. Ending off with a discussion about what to do when you're stuck on CTFs.
This week is a shorter episode looking at some bad code in mermaid.js and Moodle's Shibboleth plugin, and a bit of research regarding URL parsing issues.
We are back for the first 2022 binary episode, and its all kernel. Obtaining root through an hours long exploit process on Ubuntu thanks to an invalid free, use-after-free in XNU due to bad locking, and some terrible code in Samsung S20 DSP kernel driver with multiple integer overflows.
More cases of developers make insecure assumptions and getting owned because of it. This week we've got a Flickr account takeover, escalating restricted SSRF into something more useful, and XSS to RCE in Rocket.Chat.
Hex-rays/Adobe cross-over as they move to a subscription model and we are not too happy about it, we also discuss a few interesting bugs this week from an odd optimization and a signedness bug in Chrome, to some mishandled null-bytes in runc, and a subtle object-state confusion in the Linux kernel
Some readily understood vulnerabilities, but with some interesting impacts, from escalating self-XSS to cross-account CSRF, data exfiltration with CSS, web-cache poisoning and MFA bypassing.
Starting off this week with the new humble bundle and some discussion about hacking books. Then onto the vulns, some OOB access, uninitalized memory, and iOS exploit strategy.