What happens when a vendor refused to fix your bug? Well you can go claim a bunch of bounties with it. We also talk about some novel request smuggling research on this episode.
We are joined by Bastian Gruber to start the episode with a discussion about Rust. Then we'll dive into a few interesting vulnerabilities this week including yet another ECDSA implementation issue and some header smuggling research.
Some interesting vulnerability envrionments this week, some Trusted App issues, a couple Linux Kernel vulns, and a look at memory safety issues in unsafe Rust.
A discussion heavy episode this week, starting off with the "new" Trojan Source attackers, and then talking about a handful of interesting vulnerabilities.
We start off this week with a look at in-the-wild 0days from the past seven years, before diving into some pretty awesome bugs this week including a OOB access in Squirrel (programming language), a couple Linux kernel issues and a Chrome garbage collector bug.
Just four bugs this week, but that all are somewhat interesting, from an Instagram 2FA removal, deanonymizing Slack users, a MySQL bug, and how to get cheap reddit coins.
A simple to exploit path traversal in Apache...in 2021, a one-time-password defeat by having it be send to the attacker and victim, and more JWT issues.